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Data Science and Technical Recruiting: There are a ton of different technical roles out there, and each plays a pivotal part in an engineering teams’ objectives and the broader company mission.

We have a huge library of tasks to help those in charge of technical recruiting hire for the more traditional jobs like back-end developers, front-end developers, and QA engineers, but we want to ensure you have a competitive edge for emerging and trending functions too. We’ve just added Data Science Tasks to help you hire for one of the fastest-growing, most coveted roles: Data Scientist.

Data science is a combination of business logic and programming, so data scientists’ primary objective is to extract developer insights and knowledge from data. We created Data Science Tasks to help you gauge candidate coding knowledge around data science principles as well as mimic on-the-job responsibilities. They come in the following forms:

  • Knowledge-based Multiple Choice Questions empower you to assess candidates’ Data Science knowledge quickly without losing out on key developer insights. They are fast (they only take 10 minutes total to complete), are automatically scored, and cover 10 questions around data science.

  • Data Science Coding Tasks are automatically scored coding style tasks that vary in difficulty and duration. They are great for assessing a candidate’s ability to write highly accurate code aimed at analyzing data.
  • Data Science Analysis Tasks are lengthier to complete, requiring your candidates to create a report after manipulating and examining a data set. This mirrors how they would actually function in a work environment, combining data analysis and research to prepare findings and an action plan to impact business outcomes. Once candidates send in their solution, you can view the uploaded candidate report to review and grade their submission manually.
Screenshot of code on a laptop
Assess Data Scientists for your engineering teams with Data Science Tasks.

We’ll be adding more Data Science Tasks in the months to come, focusing on easy and medium difficulty tasks so you can bolster how you hire junior to mid level data scientists.
The demand for data scientists is going to skyrocket so make sure your technical recruiting platform is set up to vet these prized candidates in the best way possible.

Want to learn more about how to recruit data scientists using coding tasks on Codility?

Talk with us

Marketing Specialist at Codility, Jeff is passionate about empowering hiring teams to connect with candidates. He draws on his own experiences as a recruiter to create meaningful content. Outside of work, you can find him on the soccer field or catching the latest Sci-Fi flick.

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